a law firm back-log solution: effective, quality, efficient freelance paralegals

With a decade of experience in the legal field, I've observed a common challenge faced by law offices—a backlog of low-priority work that often takes a back seat to high-priority cases. I saw a need and my experience has led me to advocate for a solution.

My mission is to offer efficient, quality, and effective legal support to law offices seeking backlog cleanup solutions by leveraging the expertise of a freelancer who has navigated diverse legal offices. I aim to provide legal support with an emphasis on cost-effectiveness and a tailored approach to addressing the needs of each individual law office.

And thus, the rebrand of THE INTELLIGENCE CO. was born!

Join me in revolutionizing how legal work is approached and managed. Together, we can ensure that no task is overlooked and every case receives the attention it deserves. ⚖

The Intelligence Co.

The Intelligence Co. is a private investigation company focusing on investigations in criminal defense and insurance claims. We also provide corresponding litigation/legal support to law firms.


Passively boost your firm’s revenue through your legal support


5 reasons why you should hire a freelance paralegal