what does a professional investigator do?
A Professional Investigator (also known as Private Investigator or Private Detective) is a person who engages in private investigation. According to M.R.S. 32 §8103(4A), private investigation is the intent to obtain information with reference to: a crime; identifying identity, habits, conduct, movements, whereabouts, affiliations, associations, transactions, reputation or character of any person; and/or determining cause or responsibility of a loss, damage, or injury to a person or property. Professional Investigators also provide court testimony pursuant to evidence obtained through an investigation.
To view the Maine statute defining the objective of a Licensed Professional Investigator, click here.
To read about five most common cases a Professional Investigator handles, click here.
can anyone call themselves a professional investigator?
Absolutely not. In Maine, Professional Investigators are regulated by the Maine State Police. We are required to be licensed, bonded, and insured to conduct private investigations. To become licensed as such, the State requires one to meet various career and education qualifications, undergo a comprehensive background investigation, and pass an exam. Subsequently, Professional Investigators must renew their license every four years in addition to providing the State with proof of insurance and bonding through a surety company.
To learn more about the logistics of a Licensed Professional Investigator in Maine, click here.
what should i look for in a professional investigator?
☑ Professionalism
☑ Trustworthiness
☑ Charisma
☑ Non-threatening Demeanor
☑ Attention to Detail
☑ Passion
☑ Confidence
☑ Law-related Experience
We could tell you that we check all of those boxes, but talk is cheap. Reach out to us and we will let you decide if we encompass those qualities—you won’t be disappointed.
i’m quite sleuthy myself, so do i really need to hire a professional investigator?
The short answer is, yes. The long answer is, a Licensed Professional Investigator essentially legitimizes an investigation. Meaning, their findings are admissible because they are held to conduct investigations under specific standards. There is a report generated from the investigation and that report includes all evidence gathered from said investigation. This report can be used as evidence in court collectively with testimony. It is important to highlight that Professional Investigators conduct their investigations on a non-biased basis, to which a party to a case could not, nor are they trained to do so.
To read an article on FindLaw about why Professional Investigators play an important role in a case, click here.
what are your fees?
Each case is different, therefore, the fee is calculated on a case by case basis. Vague, I know, but it is true. Reach out to us by email, phone, or our contact form, and we will give you a quote based upon your sleuthy needs—at no charge, of course.
I already have law enforcement investigating my case, why do i need a private investigator too?
This question is situation dependent, but in essence, cops work for the government and a private investigator works for you. “Cross your T’s and dot your I’s,” so they say.